23 sept 2014

BOOKS: The Bronze Horseman by Paullina Simons

Hello again! Now we bring you a bestseller trilogy you must read if you are a romance addicted. We are talking about "The bronze horseman" by Paullina Simons, an epic love story between the young Tatiana Metanova, and the lieutenant Alexander Belov set in 1941, Leningrad.

The three books of this beautiful saga are: "The bronze horseman", "Tatiana and Alexander" and "The summer garden". The two first books are the best ones and have a conclusion, whereas the third is only written to go more in deep in the history.

Believe in us, these books won't deceive you! Without realizing, you will be caught in the history of the main characters, praying for them to get together and have a happy ending. Another important fact is that these novels are not a mere love story; on the contrary, they are a history lesson and are perfectly set.

And now some great news before ending these lines: this books will have a movie adaptation previewed to premiere in 2015. We can't wait to see our hot Alexander in the big screen! Seems that one of the favorite actors for the role is the last Superman Henry Cavill, but we will have to wait a bit more for news.

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